Module 1:
The Purpose of Life

The teenagers will engage in a discussion on the meaning & purpose of life, why they exist and their plans for the future. The objective of this course is to assist the teenagers in crafting a bold and audacious vision for their lives.

Module 2:
Your Heroes & Why They Matter
Success vs. Happiness

The teenagers will be asked to describe their heroes and the reasons for selecting those heroes.  During the session, we will discuss the meaning of a true hero and his/her attributes.  In addition, in the same context, the teenagers will engage in a discussion of what success & happiness mean.  Is there a difference between success & happiness?  Examples of heroes will include male and female Nigerians. The objectives of this course are to stimulate the thoughts of the teenagers, open their minds to what real success and happiness mean and engender a sense of personal and national pride in them.

The 7 Laws of Success

The teenagers will study a real life case of a man who started an organization that has become one of the best in the world today. We will discuss seven principles that enabled this man achieve greatness.  The objective of this course is to introduce to the teenagers certain universal principles that help individuals succeed and achieve greatness in life.

Module 4:
Self-Awareness, Personality & Self-Discovery:
Who Are You?

The teenagers will engage in a discussion of their talents, gifts, strengths & weaknesses, what differentiates them from others and what makes them tick.  The objective of this course is to help the teenagers understand their uniqueness and how to tailor same in achieving success and greatness in life.

Module 5:
Dealing With Peer Pressure

The teenagers will learn how friends/media can influence their lives and what strategies they can use to ensure that they make the right decisions notwithstanding any pressure.  The objective of this course is to assist the teenagers in developing a sense of independent thinking & self management necessary for making value-adding choices in life.

Module 6:
Self Confidence

The teenagers will learn the importance of developing an internal sense of value, self belief & assurance, boldness & courage and strategies to take full advantage of their uniqueness.  The objective of this course is help the teenagers understand that self confidence is an essential ingredient for happiness, contentment and greatness in life.

Module 7:
Integrity / Good Morals

The teenagers will learn the importance of honesty, good manners, respect for others, respect for the laws of the land, etc.  These are some of the most valuable virtues one should possess and when properly harnessed, are the universal currency desired globally. The objective of this course is to help the teenagers understand that integrity & good morals are vital ingredients to success & greatness. 

Module 8:
Service to Humanity & Compassion

The teenagers will learn that a key aspect of success & greatness is to serve others and to show love to those in need without expecting anything in return. They will also learn that their talents, gifts and skills should be used to bless others, their communities and country. The objective of the course is to teach the teenagers about being selfless, kind and to always give back to others.

Module 9:
Personal Leadership

The teenagers will learn how to lead self.  We will have a discussion about the attributes & characteristics required to motivate self and achieve personal goals. We will also discuss the idea of first leading self before leading others. The objective of this course is to prepare the teenagers for leadership, in the present and the future.

Module 10:
Emotional Intelligence

The teenagers will learn how to recognize their emotions, manage their emotions, recognize the emotions of others and manage the emotions of others – in a bid to achieve positive results in any situation. The objective of this course is help the teenagers understand the importance of emotions in human relationships and how emotions can affect the outcome they desire in any situation.

Module 11:
Self Discipline / Hardwork / Responsibility / Excellence

The teenagers will learn to be the very best in anything they do in life.  We will have a discussion about the importance of discipline, passion, hard work, being responsible and demonstrating excellence in their day to day lives. The objective of this course is help the teenagers eliminate mediocrity in their lives and to strive for excellence in all they do.

Module 12
Problem Solving Skills / Resilience / Innovation

The teenagers will learn that challenges, problems, mistakes and trials are a real part of life.  No one is immune or exempt.  We will have a discussion about the strategies required to bounce back during times of trouble, how to solve problems and be creative in this fast-paced and demanding world.  The objective of this course is to prepare the teenagers to deal with real life and achieve success & greatness despite problems, challenges, mistakes & trials.

Module 13:
Financial Intelligence

The teenagers will learn legitimate ways of making money, how to save, budget, manage & invest money.  We will have a discussion about cultivating a spirit of contentment, living within your means and delaying gratification.  The objective of this course is to prepare the teenagers for financial responsibility in the present and the future.

Module 14:

The teenagers will learn how to turn their gifts, talents, energy and opportunities to a business or businesses.  We will have a discussion about the current tough macro-economy, the rate of unemployment in the country and the need to develop creative and multiple ways of making money notwithstanding the realities of the current labor market.  The objective of this course is to prepare the teenagers for a life of self reliance, interdependency and entrepreneurship.